Creating Music With Arturia Spark Drum Machine

The Spark Drum Machine. This unit has been a little unsung hero am I set up. I started working with this in 2011 and even helped with the development of the 1.5 update which allowed for pitching. Just like the 16 level feature found on the Akai MPC.

What I like about the Spark Drum Machine is its pattern-based which allows me to isolate my ideas and construct them easier it’s almost like building blocks.


Here’s a little jam session I did with one of my favorite drum machines (Arturia Spark). I’ve been using Spark since late 2011, started off as a sound designing project.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have some influence on the direction of Spark, a good number of my ideas and suggestions were implemented in the 1.5 updates.

What I love most about this drum machine is its simplicity.


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